Catalyst’s Asia Project provides the opportunity to engage a region dominated by spiritual darkness with Gospel light.
The Asia Project has…
4 Regional Coordinators
2 Countries
150 Disciples
NEPAL: In December 2018, Catalyst connected with a young man named Bijay in Damak, Nepal. As Jesus teaches in Matthew 13, it was evident that he was good soil that would multiply and bear much fruit. Having already trained with him for several months online, he has already been faithful to multiply the training with a small group of disciples. We are working through him with our first cohort group of 12 pastors from local churches in the Damak area. Our goal is to see them apply this training in their own local churches in order to establish them in sound doctrine and multiply the gospel to the unreached.
The Lord has also opened the door to Nepal through a faithful sister in Christ, Romi. She has been extremely faithful to multiply discipleship to women not only in Damak but also Kathmandu and beyond.
The plan for 2024 is to provide 2 trainings in Damak to the first cohort group of pastors. We will also continue to develop our regional coordinators as they provide ongoing discipleship to the students in between residential trainings. We long to see a multitude of Nepalese who share his hunger for the Word and desire to reach the harvest fields by training faithful disciples.
Catalyst started discipling a young woman named Romi in Nepal in October 2019. She and her husband are faithful to serve in leading worship and youth in their church in Southeastern Nepal. Recently, they both dedicated their lives to be Nepali missionaries as well. Romi has been very faithful in meeting with me online for discipleship every week and always comes with a hunger for the Word and teachable spirit. In addition to being faithful in studying, growing, and multiplying, she also translated the material for us from English to Nepali. Now, through her good work, our other contacts in Nepal and others will be blessed in further discipleship and multiplication.
INDIA: The India Project is brand new for Catalyst Missions. Having identified some faithful laborers, we took a vision trip to India in 2021. From this we established a central training site for pastor training in Kotagiri, India. Thus far, we have seen the immediate multiplication of our online training and even translation of training material into multiple languages. We are excited to continue training in 2024!
INDONESIA: In 2018 Catalyst graduated 22 Indonesia students and returned in 2019 to encourage the graduates. After the pandemic, Indonesia was closed to Catalyst for two years. We’re prayerfully evaluating where God might lead us next in Indonesia. Please pray for God to raise up an Indonesian pastor to serve as regional coordinator for future work in this country.